[Coco] Re: OS-9 as Replacement for DECB

farna at att.net farna at att.net
Sun Sep 4 18:09:48 EDT 2005

OS-9 still takes quite a learning curve, whereas the simplistic DECB can be manuevered through in an hour or so with a list of commands. Programming takes more, but not just getting the system up and running -- all that takes with DECB is a push of the power button. OS-9 has to be configured for the system, which takes a couple hours in the manual the first time -- and that only if you're somewhat familiar with command line type OSs! Rick Ulland used to send out his "tune-up" disk with a somewhat automated boot maker that worked 90% of the time. It was on a bootable floppy that had a generic two single sided drive boot list and the tools needed to make a new boot, not much more. "Tune-Up" was the best thing around until NitrOS-9 came along! I haven't messed with Nitors in a while... does it have a generic bootable disk and a boot maker or set-up program? 

Frank Swygert
Publisher, "American Independent 
Magazine" (AIM)
For all AMC enthusiasts
(free download available!)

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
> On 09/02/2005 03:22 pm, Kevin Diggs wrote:
> >  Given the existence of OS9 (with BASIC09, C, and PASCAL), I just don't
> > get why people stick with the ROM stuff? WARNING - ATTEMPT AT HUMOR -
> > WARNING: Do you guys also like to play with abacci, piles of rocks, and
> > sticks in loose dirt?

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