[Coco] CUBIX on the CoCo?

jdaggett at gate.net jdaggett at gate.net
Fri Oct 28 17:42:40 EDT 2005

Hello Dave:

As far as I know no one has ported Cubix to the Coco or at least the 
Coco 3. I looked into doing a port to the Coco3. Several areas that 
would require a deal of work. Since there are plenty of Coco disk 
controllers availble to most Coco users, the disk driver would have 
to be written for the WD1793/1773/2793 chips. Also the I/O range 
moved to $FF00-$FFEF. Finally there is the GIME chip on the Coco 

While not impossible, it does entail a bit of work and time. Thanks 
for  the link as I too  have an older copy. Maybe I can look at the 
latest and see just  how complex a task it will be. Currently I have a 
major home project working now that is taking up a bunch of my 
free time.


On 28 Oct 2005 at 15:53, Dave Dunfield wrote:

To:             	coco at maltedmedia.com
From:           	Dave Dunfield <dave04a at dunfield.com>
Date sent:      	Fri, 28 Oct 2005 15:53:42 -0400
Subject:        	[Coco] CUBIX on the CoCo?
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> In browsing a different 6809 related topic, I came across:
>    http://oarizo.com/mod.php?mod=content&page=downloads
> which I noticed has a somewhat outdated copy of my CUBIX
> 6809 operating source code posted, with a note that it is
> "a good candidate for porting".
> There was also a pointer on the page to this list...
> Just curious of anyone has ever ported CUBIX to the CoCo?
> BTW, the last release of CUBIX (with source code), as well
> as a complete simulation of my original 6809 homebuilt portable
> for which it was designed (which will let you run it) an be
> downloaded from my site:
>    http://www.parse.com/~ddunfield/museum/index.html
>    (Look for "Dunfield 6809" under the HomeBuilts section)
> Although I've done scads of 6809 code (still my favorite 8-bit
> processor), and have had a number of CoCos over the years, I
> never delved into it (the CoCo) deep enough to get around to
> porting my operating system over - if it hasn't been done, and
> anyone is interested, I'd be happy to offer assistance.
> Regards,
> Dave
> -- 
> dave04a (at)    Dave Dunfield
> dunfield (dot)  Firmware development services & tools:
> www.dunfield.com com             Collector of vintage computing
> equipment:
>                 http://www.parse.com/~ddunfield/museum/index.html
> -- 
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