[Coco] Re: How do i save a program typed in a emulator

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Tue Oct 25 02:37:49 EDT 2005

Hello Brian

>Then by accident, Caught my 2 year old twins,
> playing around with the Time And Date option, at the bottom of the
> Taskbar, seems they found how to get in it, they had played around with
> the settings. see ya guys

Isn't that scary? It took us how many years to become as computer literate
as we are today? And these two two year olds have already figured that out
8-}. Either they are very smart or we are very dumb 8-/.

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        With an Amiga           ---o-o-O-o-o---  and a CoCo

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