[Coco] Ideas for a Graphics Project

James C. Hrubik, Sr. jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 19 15:16:20 EDT 2005

Wow, did that trigger a trip down Memory Lane!  Right after I got my 
first CoCo (1985), I ran across a magazine somebody was throwing out.  
It had a BASIC program that drew 3-D string figures -- ellipses, 
circles, parabolas.  I typed that in to the CoCo (what, BASIC is BASIC, 
right? and I was too enthusiastic to know that it couldn't be done... 
<G>), CSAVED it, and ran it.  At first I thought I really had done 
something wrong, but after about 10 minutes of calculations, suddenly 
the screen cleared and it started drawing all these neat 3-D curves.

I just took a quick look to see if I could locate the source in my junk 
pile (AKA basement), but I don't see it, and I have no way, after all 
these decades, of quickly locating the tape.  But, now that I won't be 
able to sleep properly because I'll be wracking my brain as to where I 
hid that stuff...

On Oct 19, 2005, at 1:57 PM, Boisy G. Pitre wrote:

> I'm taking a 3D graphics programming class this semester and have to 
> give a presentation related to the subject matter.  Naturally, I 
> insist on bringing the CoCo into it somehow, so I've decided on a 
> topic that has been approved: a look at the evolution of 3D graphics 
> systems on home computers.
> In part of my presentation I want to run the CoCo 3 emulator under 
> MESS and try out a few 3D graphics programs, but the problem is I 
> don't remember what was out there in terms of 3D perspective games.  
> There was a 3D tank battle game of some kind that ran on the CoCo 2.  
> Does anyone remember what it was?  Rommel or some such?
> And were there any 3D graphics programs on the CoCo 3?  Sockmaster's 
> GLOOM comes to mind, but was there anything else?
> Thanks,
> Boisy
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