[Coco] RE: [Color Computer] Looking for a Coco I 64k?

George Ramsower Yahoo at DVDPlayersOnly.com
Sat Nov 12 18:06:53 EST 2005

About the rumoured "Half Bad" 64K chips...

 My first coco was a 4K unit I bought on sale for(I think) $399.

 It wasn't long before I upgraded to 64K chips and it would not work the 
upper 32K ram until I modified the board.
 There was a change in the motherboard I had to make by cutting a couple of 
traces and wire an unused gate to be able to access the upper 32K. I don't 
remember now what it was I did then, but suffice it to say that at first, I 
thought there was a problem with the RAM chips. The original sample 
schematic provided by Motorola at the time showed the difference from the RS 
schematic. I just made the coco do what Motorola intended.

 Perhaps there were defective 64K chips used, but in the case of MY coco, it 
was the motherboard. 

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