[Coco] Re: Re: [Color Computer] King's Quest for the Coco

Albert Stinger albertstinger24 at canada.com
Tue May 10 21:17:48 EDT 2005

Robert are you one of the developers working on the Nitros9 project?
you said:

> "Robert Gault" wrote in message...
> The real problem now is that, far as I know, KQ3 is still under
> copyright and therefore ought not to be available on the Internet.

I'm confused is there a double standard for this project and the rest
of the people. If you look in the nitros9 project you will find King Quest 
King Quest 2, and King Quest 1. The complete packages. It's been there
for a very long time and available too many downloader's. Is this a double
standard or what? Just a little confused with talk of Copyrights and such.
I could understand if someone was making lots of money from giving away
old Tandy software and suddenly the CoCo was popular again, but I think
you'll choke what little life that's left right out of the CoCo if you keep 
insisting on your double standards.

see the directory of KQ3 below:

05/10/2005  09:04 PM    <DIR>          .
05/10/2005  09:04 PM    <DIR>          ..
05/10/2005  09:04 PM    <DIR>          CVS
07/19/2004  10:45 PM               117 defsfile
10/15/2002  08:37 AM               429 logDir
04/21/2005  01:38 PM             2,152 makefile
09/17/2003  05:44 PM           266,473 mnln.asm
10/15/2002  08:37 AM               793 object
10/15/2002  08:37 AM               531 picDir
09/17/2003  05:44 PM            21,397 scrn.asm
09/17/2003  05:44 PM            72,995 shdw.asm
09/17/2003  05:44 PM            37,085 sierra.asm
10/15/2002  08:37 AM               120 sndDir
10/15/2002  08:37 AM               197 Startup
01/13/2003  10:44 AM                36 tOC
01/13/2003  09:59 AM                95 tOC.txt
09/17/2003  05:44 PM            77,350 tocgen.asm
10/15/2002  08:37 AM               756 viewDir
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            73,493 vol.0
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            23,067 vol.1
10/15/2002  08:37 AM             8,062 vol.11
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            15,037 vol.12
10/15/2002  08:37 AM             5,596 vol.14
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            64,446 vol.2
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            42,584 vol.3
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            49,304 vol.4
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            48,366 vol.5
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            55,088 vol.6
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            62,898 vol.7
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            51,532 vol.8
10/15/2002  08:37 AM            62,262 vol.9
10/15/2002  08:38 AM             4,463 words.tok
              29 File(s)      1,046,724 bytes

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