[Coco] RGB color codes to CoCo 3 color codes

tim lindner tlindner at ix.netcom.com
Fri Mar 25 00:41:44 EST 2005

Diego Barizo <diegoba at adinet.com.uy> wrote:

> Anybody knows a way to convert RGB color codes (like #800080, #00FF0A)
> to the CoCo 3 color codes?
> Either my head is not to clear, or it's harder than it seems :-(
> (I'll go for the first option)

Well, the CoCo RGB pallette is two bits per channel. The code you site
above are 16 bits per channel. So all you need to do it take to two most
significant bits from each sixteen bit group then repack them in a six
bit number.

tim lindner
tlindner at ix.netcom.com                                        Bright

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