[Coco] C compiler source code

James Dessart james at skwirl.ca
Sun Mar 13 21:56:52 EST 2005

On 12-Mar-05, at 1:11 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

> One way or another, the OS-9 C compiler is in 6809 ML, so you're going
> to have to emulate. Seems like a reasonably short project to add a MESS
> feature such that you can pass an OS-9 command line through the MESS
> command line.
> The only unknown for me, I think, is having MESS bring up the emulated
> machine at the OS-9 prompt rather than going through the whole boot
> process (booting would be slow). Can MESS do this?

The answer is here:


This emulates the 6809 and OS-9 Level 1. It seems pretty trivial to 
bring support up to Level 2, or even NitrOS-9, since it only offers a 
thin abstraction layer over the host system. I've been able to compile 
it on my Mac, and it runs quite nicely, except for some gotchas here 
and there. Mainly Level 2 calls that aren't implemented.

The system is well thought out, and easy to extend (if you do the C++ 


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