[Coco] Re: MC-10 with RGB out

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Mon Mar 7 10:30:42 EST 2005

> Since when did an MC-10 have RGB output?  Was it a hack?

No. It was the French version. All French CoCos (at least models 1b, 2,
2b) & the MC-10 have an RGB SCART ("péritel") connector. The French
MC-10 is really rare because TANDY licensed the design to Matra Hachette
and it was released as the "Alice", a red MC-10 clone & lookalike.
Another difference for both the MC-10 and the Alice is the "AZERTY"
keyboard. AFAIR there was a law in France in the early 80s which allowed
only computers with péritel connector (a french idea) and the AZERTY
keayboard layout to be sold. Foreign companies had to change their
designs to enter the french market (and many didn't which was the
idea... :-)).


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