[Color Computer] [Coco] Re: CoCo USB

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Sun Jul 31 23:16:05 EDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-07-31 at 22:34 +0000, James Diffendaffer wrote:

> The Forth code should be converted to C unless someone has a forth
> compiler.

Perhaps it should be converted to C or assembly but there are good Forth
interpreters for the 6809.

There are even some free ones.

Here's one is by Lennart Benschop:


It says it's an emulator but if you open the package there's also a
Forth in there.

I think it's even ANS standard.

Also there's a 6809 Camelforth which is or is close to an ANS standard

http://www.zetetics.com/camel/camel09.html (the link to the zip file
that is on this page has been broken for a little while, but Brad still
responds to requests for the stuff by email.

Forth is easily ported to a given OS. Somewhere nowhere near the top of
my project list is a native Forth ROM for the coco.

-- John.

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