[Coco] [Color Computer] USB project

James Diffendaffer jdiffendaffer at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 29 23:09:44 EDT 2005

Well, it depends on the circuit I decide to implement.

The chip uses a full byte address range just for it's registers. 
(example FF80-FF8F) That's a lot if I don't want it to interfere with
anything else.

The alternative is to use a latch at one CoCo address to set the
address on the chip and one CoCo address to access the registers/FIFO.  
It only takes two CoCo addresses to implement that way but it's a more
complex circuit than the other 8 bit computer implementations.  It
also slows down access every time you need to switch registers and
complicates interrupt handling unless the driver disables and enables
interrupts a lot.

Either implementation is easy but board size is a concern.

At this point I need to sit down and read some sample code for the
chip and see what the real impact the two byte interface will be.
If it's too great it would only be usefull in a faster next gen coco
design and a prototype would just let me work on drivers.  And that
has to wait on several other things I want to do anyway.

There is some other hardware I want to implement in a CPLD but given
my experience with VHDL/Verilog and the complexity of the circuit (at
least 5 separate devices) that could take some time.
I suppose I could implement it one piece at a time with the CPLD and I
could implement both USB interfaces for testing.

<sigh> As soon as I get GCC working and these magazines scanned I'll
do some estimates as to how big of a CPLD I'll need for everything.  
I'll also send the circuit info to James and see what he thinks.  He'd
probably have both on the CPLD in less than an hour... simple stuff.

--- In ColorComputer at yahoogroups.com, "John R. Hogerhuis"
<jhoger at p...> wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 22:48 +0100, Phill Harvey-Smith wrote:
> > John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
> > > If some kind of PLD, you could always defer this question and use
> > > whatever mmio you need for now.
> > 
> > I believe when we discussed this a while back he said he wanted to
> > standard LS type logic to make it easier for the home constuctor to 
> > build as you don't need custom programmers etc.
> > 
> That's my recollection too (seems I remember ideas I disagree with
> better than those where I agree). But I have half a memory of him
> changing his mind, probably wrong, which is why I asked.
> In any event, this kind of issue can be deferred when you do all logic
> aside from power stuff in the CPLD or FPGA. We've been using CPLD in our
> hobbyist project at http://bitchin100.com/remem_project.htm . But we
> have to since our board has to be crammed into a TRS-80 Model 100. Also
> we need several surface mount parts in any event.
> -- John.

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