[Coco] Re: OT: Mmmm... Beer!

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Wed Jul 20 20:10:01 EDT 2005

> Sam Adams is the only American beer that is exported to Germany, as they're
> the only (decently large) beer company that brews to the standards of
> Reinheitsgebot, the German beer purity law of 1518, which states that the
> only ingredients that can be used in beer for sale in Germany are: Water,
> Yeast, Hops, and Barley.

Just to be the "wisenheimer": The famous "Reinheitsgebot" is from 1516
(23rd of April). In 1998 they found another one in Weißensee ("statuta
thaberna") which is dated 1434. In 2001 they found an even older one in
Weimar from 1348 ("Das malcsz sal messen der bruwemeister, der dazu
gelobt hat. Ouch sal keyn bruwer anders zceit syne bere thuen, denn
malcz unde hophen.")


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