[Coco] Re: goodie!

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Tue Jul 12 16:57:00 EDT 2005

On Tuesday 12 July 2005 13:16, RJRTTY at aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 7/12/05 8:56:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
>os9dude at hotmail.com writes:
> Radio Shack once was a pushing force in home and hobbyist
> electronics, I am grateful on their efforts to make the TRS-80 line
> come about and most important: the CoCo. But now, after a steady
> decline the stores are a shamble shadow of what used to be... oh
> well...
> Pardon my soapbox :-)
> -=[ Rogelio ]=- >>
>   It's the same here.   They keep just enough items to make the
>display look good.      Every time I go there the clerk who looks
>like the classiic "Nerd" poster from the late 70's just a little
> older wants to know if I want to buy a cell phone plan or satelite
> dish. He gives me a contemptous look when I say "no thanks, just
> the capacitor and hook-up wire please".      I think he resents
> small sales like that because he might have to order a replacement
> from the distribution center to make his display look halfway 
> complete again.
>       I only go there now when I absolutely have to and need a
>really common component on short notice.   It's really sad.

Yeah, its sad.  I went out to see if they had any diodes I might be 
able to use to replace the FW bridge in my hedge clipper, made out of 
big ugly 6 amp discretes.  Struck out, biggest bridge was a 4 amp, 50 
volt rms device.  I walked out empty handed, muttering about it sure 
being a good place to open a shack, good decore & all that, but zip 
stock for us DIY types.

They'll sell you the tv antenna, and the rotator for it, but the 
lightning arrestors I had to go get from my friendly neighborhood 
verizon CO by waiting around till a lineman showed up.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Copyright 2005 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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