[Coco] Re: CoCo & CoCo OS-9 C compilers

Willard Goosey goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Sun Jan 30 04:54:29 EST 2005

>Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 07:24:48 -0800
>From: <alsplace at pobox.com>

>2) The RS-DOS C compiler -- I know it resurfaced for sale a few years 
>back after the end of Rainbow and such.  Who has control of it these 
>days, and did it have any potential in being used/udpated for OS-9?

Have you had any luck tracking this down yet?  
>     -- Allen

Willard Goosey  goosey at sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
"I've never been to Contempt!  Isn't that somewhere in New Mexico?"
   --- Yacko

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