[Coco] Magazines for Reading during the long dark winter nights available.

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at MindSpring.com
Sun Jan 30 09:49:31 EST 2005


As I am about to start another gigantic magazine scanning project, I would
appreciate some feedback on my last projects.

On Dennis's MaltedMedia CoCo FTP server you will find the following

15856225 CMJ V1 N1.pdf
11093375 CMJ V1 N2.pdf
16833007 CMJ V1 N3.pdf
13006592 CMJ V1 N4.pdf
12006061 F68Aug83.pdf
 6266041 MOTD V2 N1.pdf
 5197986 MOTD V2 N2.pdf
 4826131 MOTD V2 N3.pdf
  294261 MOTD V2 N4 Poster.pdf
 4285782 MOTD V2 N4.pdf
 4750628 MOTD V2 N5.pdf
 5342860 MOTD V2 N6.pdf
  780815 MOTD V2 N7 10-11.pdf
 5341315 MOTD V2 N7.pdf
 3889925 MOTD_Jan_Feb_1988.pdf
 5029746 MOTD Jan-Feb 1989.pdf
 4064070 OS-9 MOTD #9 Sep 1985.pdf
 6486591 OS-9 MOTD March-April 1988.pdf
 7014985 OS-9 MOTD May-June 1988.pdf

Comments are desired on:

1. I would like the magazine pages _________ to be OCRed so I can run the
program. (Additional corrections needed, OCR is just an attempt to reduce
the effort and will have many errors).

2. I cannot, or I am having  trouble reading a magazine.

     A. Please list the Display type, size and number of colors that you are
having trouble reading with.

(LCD 1024 x 768 32 bit color., 256 colors actually. Clear Type Used?)
(19" CRT 1600 x 1200 32 Bit Color)

     B. The larger file size that you would accept for the magazine.

     C. The file size that you would not download the magazine.


The new project is "Ham Radio Magazines" with emphasis on Slow Scan TV
(SSTV) and other advanced modes.

Number Name Vol. No. Date Date2 Pages
2 A5 13 5 May-83    42
3 A5 14 1 Jan-84    42
4 A5 14 2
5 A5 14 3 Mar-84    42
6 A5 14 4 Apr-84    42
7 A5 14 5 May-84    42
8 A5 14 6 Jun-84    42
9 A5 14 7 Jul-84    42
10 A5 14 8 Aug-84    42
11 A5 14 9 Sep-84    42
12 A5 14 10 Oct-84    42
13 A5 14 11 Nov-84    42
14 A5 14 12 Dec-84    42
15 A5 15 1 Jan-85    42
16 A5 15 2 Feb-85    42
17 SPEC-COM 15 3 Mar-85 Apr-85 50
18 SPEC-COM 15 4 May-85 Jun-85 50
19 SPEC-COM 15 5 Jul-85    42
20 SPEC-COM 15 6 Aug-85    50
21 SPEC-COM 15 7 Skipped
22 SPEC-COM 15 8 Sep-85 Oct-85 50
23 SPEC-COM 15 9 Nov-85    48
24 SPEC-COM 15 10 Dec-85    40
25 SPEC-COM 16 1 Jan-86    48
26 SPEC-COM 16 2 Feb-86    48
27 SPEC-COM 16 3 Mar-86 Apr-86 48
28 SPEC-COM 16 4 May-86    48
29 SPEC-COM 16 5 Jun-86    48
30 SPEC-COM 16 6 Jul-86    48
31 SPEC-COM 16 7 Aug-86    48
32 SPEC-COM 16 8 Sep-86 Oct-86 48
33 SPEC-COM 16 9 Nov-86    48
34 SPEC-COM 16 10 Dec-86    48
35 The Beginners Guide to TRS80C    1967-1983 66
36 The Beginners Guide to Facsimile    1967-1983 70
37 73    289 Nov-84    114
38 73    291 Dec-84    98
39 World Radio 13 11 May-84    48   (96)

There is a lot of CoCo stuff in these magazines, CoCo 1 and 2 were very
popular with Hams then.

"The Beginners Guide to TRS80C" has a lot of information that covers some
questions that have been discussed just recently on this list.

That magazine is a fourth or higher generation copy with poor readability.
Will be very large file sizes to not lose any more information.

Project Status: Clay Abrams articles in "73" on SSTV for the CoCo 2 have
been scanned. File size reduction not yet done.

Awaiting preliminary reports on these magazines already been scanned and
available on the web.

Stephen H. Fischer

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