[Coco] Anybody willing to put Delphi Msgs on the Web?

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at MindSpring.com
Fri Aug 12 02:52:10 EDT 2005


Again it way years ago, but in addition to the Delphi messages I also played 
with building a database of the files (OS-9 mainly)

They are just a small part of another project "All the CoCo files since the 
Big Bang".

So I may have a list of the files and some of the files that interested me, 
OS-9 mainly.

Stephen H. Fischer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ray Watts" <rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net>
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: August 11, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] Anybody willing to put Delphi Msgs on the Web?

> Will somebody please clarify a point for me?  There were thousands of CoCo 
> software uploads to Delphi over the years.  Only a small percentage ever 
> were saved as the RTSI CD we have come to know and love.  Do the messages, 
> as discussed in this thread, include all the uploads or just the dialogs? 
> A check of The Rainbow Delphi columns show a lot of good stuff missing 
> from RTSI.  That is where I would put a high value on a Delphi compendium.
> Griz

The messages and the files belong in separate databases I suspect.

The file database is much smaller and could be done first.

That would be a database of the files, not the actual files and where they 
might be found in some cases. 

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