[Coco] Re: [Color Computer] Is this a 6309?

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Mon Apr 25 03:08:19 EDT 2005

are you talking about "Microdeal" tape software? I guess the loader is
similar to the one they used for CoCo releases. On the CoCo it bends
some RAM hooks (using several ORGs) and the Reset Vector, ORGs an ASCII
title screen, then produces an I/O Error which will autoexecute a custom
loader programm which will load the rest of the game. I guess there are
different RAM hook addresses in the Dragon, this is why it is not
working on the CoCo. I used to "crack" Microdeal tapes because they all
started with a screen to select PMODE 3/4 SCREEN 1,0/1 settings (no
artifacts in Europe...). They cleared the screen with a JSR $A928 (CLS),
so I just had to copy ROM to RAM before CLOADMing, be in all RAM mode,
patch a JMP to my SAVEM routine into $A928 after I figured out start and
end adresses with my EDTASM+ cartridge debugger.

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