[Coco] New and fresh ideas for next years CoCoFest

Nickolas Marentes NickM at qm.qld.gov.au
Wed Apr 20 00:30:27 EDT 2005

>> I have not read farther ahead, but Glenside is discussing how to expand. 
>> enlarge the show. Since we host it, we would have control.

>> Or have other 8-bit computer users attend.

>> Or inform newspapers, cable etc. to advertise the show. The Hotel I 
>> noticed had TV displaying events that were at the hotel.

>> At the next meeting we will be discussing 'New Business'
>> We will be making more plans.
>> We start out strong but it is so easy to fade a bit. I plan to have a 
>> stronger focus.
>> Brian Goers
>> Vice President of Special Events.

I don't think the idea of allowing other 8-bit computers other than the
Tandy line. If you allow the Commodore 64 or Apple II crowd in, they could
swamp us. I doubt they would want to join us anyway.

By sticking within the Radio Shack "family" of computers, you can guarantee
that the CoCo component would be the largest. Besides, we may get a few new
users migrate across to the CoCo world!

I don't know about the idea of advertising the fest everywhere. These
CoCoFests are very much a niche market. You won't get the mainstream types
who are use to PC's, Xbox's and Palm Pilots getting too excited over the
CoCo I'm afraid.

I can foresee their comments..."What's so special about a PS/2 keyboard, IDE
hard drive and USB port? Don't all computers have that?".

You'll never impress the un-cultured ones who take today's technology for

If we wish to expand the CocoFests, we need to all work together and
contribute as a team. I'm prepared to help out from this side of the planet
(Australia) with ideas, suggestions and even a web site to keep everyone
informed of progress if need be.

We do need feedback from the community first so let me know what you all

Nickolas Marentes

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