[Coco] Re: ChicagoFest '04

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Wed May 5 09:21:36 EDT 2004

Hello Bob

> *sigh* That was, in fact, what I was hoping to do... bring in the CoCo3P
> for a Protector upgrade. My divorce this year was actually going to allow
> me to make it for the first time ever, but then yesterday I lost my job.
> Better luck next year, I hope. This just hasn't been my millenium.

<Sigh> As one layed off person to another, I feel your pain. It will get
better, just hang in there. Please don't make it any worse by using this as
an excuse to climb into the bottle.

Cruisen                                                    _|_
              on AutoPilot with an Amiga   ---o-( )-o---   and a CoCo

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