[Coco] UseNet *"Bit.Listserv.CoCo"* NewsGroup elimination

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at MindSpring.com
Sun Mar 28 22:34:53 EST 2004


The question is do we wish to encourage the continuation of  UseNet
*"Bit.Listserv.CoCo"* NewsGroup.

I do and a tiny few persons posting in the UseNet newsgroup do also, but
they seem to be unaware of what you are saying will become true as to the
elimination of the newsgroup.

Persons willing to help have not been identified. Please take one step
forward as I did.

As I said in a message to CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts just the
other day.


I am in a unique position to possible save the "UseNet Bit.Listserv.CoCo
NewsGroup". Not the mailing list, that is far away on the other side of the

A short 12 minute van drive north would put me at the front door of the
office that Perhaps controls the NewsGroup's fate and any possible mirroring
to it. I think that I found it in one of your posts. Their web page  can be
interrupted that they do. Other parts of the site suggest that while they
might have the responsibility, they no longer have the power and that no one
does. A face to face meeting would quickly determine this and the current
situation of the 'BIT" lists.

Why have I not filled up my van's tank with gas and set out (Actually the
tank is full) to drive to the office?

Many reasons:

I do not know what is going on with any certainty.  Thus it is impossible to
determine the best action we should take. The default action of doing
nothing is continuing.

I must fault Princeton if what you say is true.

 If someone at Princeton is aware of what is going on and the condition that
you state is correct for resuming the listserver for "Bit.Listserv.CoCo"
they should have said something somewhere that the CoCo Enthusiasts could
find and read.

I accept your statements but can they be tracked back to Princeton?

Too many times persons have been faking in who they are and anyway in any
case do not have the power to make official statements, give permissions and
so on. The most recent one being a hilarious one suggesting that someone in
Tandy Canada could void the power of Tandy U.S.A. That one was well thought
out and even included a reference to a Canadian law that applied. ROTFL

Nothing at all has been seen and reported from Princeton as to the status of
the list server mailing list.

Nothing at all to the group of almost 300 people that are the current
members of a list that has been in existence for over 15 years.

I would expect that any reasonable person would send a message to the
remaining subscribers on the Princeton as to what is going on just before
halting the list or place a notice on a web page that can be seen by the

The lack of this and any other traceable announcement from Princeton still
make me wonder if any one at Princeton is really aware that the list is

See below for request of names, departments and conversations.

My intent is and always has been to tell the truth. The way the truth is
told may be of little value or great value to help the actions being taken
be more like what we as a group would like happen.

I think that the best course of action would be to hand deliver a letter or
letters to the person in control of UseNet *"Bit.Listserv.CoCo"* NewsGroup.

Stephen H. Fischer <sfischer1 at mindspring.com>

John E. Malmberg wrote:
> [Followups set to bit.listserv.coco]
> Jan Vanden Bossche wrote:
>> The bit.listserv.coco is the ONLY internationally available newsgroup.
>> And there is no spam anymore. What's wrong with that ?
> Nothing, as long as it exists.  Except some people prefer mailing lists.
> The bit.listserv.* charter is to be a mirror of listserv mailing lists
> of bitnet members.
> This newsgroup and the mailing list are co-joined twins, and by the
> charter of the bitnet hierarchy, if the mailing list is gone, the
> newsgroup has no official reason to exist.

> The COCO mailing list has been suspended by Princeton because there is
> no student or faculty member of Princeton to sponsor and if needed
> moderate it.
> I do not know how this came to the attention of Princeton.
> According to a recent contact I had with them on another matter, they
> appear to have no problem resuming the mailing list if a Princeton
> faculty or student agreed to be the "sponsor" and responsible for
> handling any issues.

Please give some details of the contact and who you contacted. Name of
person, Department they work in and their job title.

What is your impression as to the contact at Princeton having a correct
understanding of what has happened with "Bit.Listserv.CoCo".

Can they be contacted again!

I still want to thank Princeton for hosting the CoCo group for more than 15
years and inquire as to any archives that they might have for the early
years of *"Bit.Listserv.CoCo"* .

> Should Princeton decide to change the mailing list status from suspended
> to deleted, unless other arangements are made with the orginization that
> has the ownership of the bit.listserv newsgroups, the bit.listserv.coco
> newsgroup may also get deleted at that time, and the only thing left
> will be a google memory and maybe some private archives.
> So like the mailing list went for years with out Princeton noticing that
> there was no sponsor, this newsgroup could also go for years like it is.
> Or with out any other arrangements being made, it could dissapear with
> out any advance notice.
> There does appear precedence for bit.listserv newsgroups being mirrored
> to non listserv mailing lists.  It is just a matter of convincing the
> organaization that controls those newsgroups to do so.
> I posted the URLs that referenced the official policies of both the
> owner of the bit.listserv newsgroups and of the mailing lists on the
> maltedmedia coco list a few months back when it was noticed that the
> mailing list was suspended.  That included the URL of the web form to
> request creating a new newsgroup mirror to a mailing list.  I do not
> have them handy at the moment.  They were not too hard to find with
> google.
> As far as survey taken recently, it really does not matter how many
> other news servers carry the bit.listserv.coco, if the owner of the
> bit.listserv groups issues a delete transaction, it will be deleted from
> just about all of them.
> So the botttom line is that when the coco list on Princeton lost it's
> official sponsor, both the mailing list and newsgroup were on borrowed
> time.
> -John
> wb8tyw at qsl.network
> Personal Opinion Only

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