[Coco] Re: Re: Re: Shell + 2.2a

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Tue Jul 13 13:57:25 EDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-07-13 at 07:47, Robert Emery wrote:
> You guys make OS-9 sound sooooo fun!
> <Homer>Oh, by the way, that was sarcasm."</Homer>
> <Marge>Well, duh!</Marge>
> j/k, cheers,
> Bob

IIRC, The fun part for me was the feeling of satisfaction you get when
the system is humming along *exactly* the way you want it set up...

I remember as a kid after I got my 512K RAM upgrade and multiview
happily running a GUI and I had a few text windows up, BASIC-09 in one,
text editor in another, shell prompt in another, what a sense of
accomplishment it gave... because the system did so much and the fact I
had to do a lot of work to get it there (packing modules together,
making different scripts to get text windows set up the way I wanted...)
probably only added to the feeling of accomplishment.

The other thing is that it was very cool to see the modern computing era
(sans internet...) arrive on my CoCo of all places. No longer just a
32X16 screen and BASIC command prompt.

And on an 8-bit machine at that...

I'll fire up the old iron again (not just MESS) when Contiki compiles on
it and I can browse slashdot, get email with it. Just for old times
sake... just to see Coco make it the rest of the way into the modern

-- John.

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