[Coco] Barden's Assembly book.

Steve Ostrom smostrom at mn.rr.com
Sun Jan 25 13:48:13 EST 2004

Dennis and Dave, I would love to buy a copy of Dennis's cassette based 
course.  Please let me know if there are any copies left.


-- Steve --

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

>At 07:18 AM 1/25/04 -0500, Robert Gault wrote:
>>There are several 
>>books that are very good for learning 6809 programming. The problem will 
>>be finding them.
>You can still get my "Learning the 6809" course, assuming Dave Poitras
>hasn't run out of copies.
>(Tape-based, and only good for learning on a CoCo with the SAM chip.)
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