[Coco] 6809 example

jimcox at miba51.com jimcox at miba51.com
Sun Jan 18 12:45:02 EST 2004

This looks a little above the skill set for a newbie like 
me.  I've sort of lost track of this thread, but it looks 
like the code below is Basic, not Assembly.  Right - 

Does anyone have some sample assmbly that they can post 
privately.  Also, can someone please remind me again what 
is the difference between running EDASM+ on a CoCo 2 and a 
CoCo 3


On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 22:33:33 -0600
  Roger Taylor <rtaylor at bayou.com> wrote:
>At 05:09 PM 1/17/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>>It's easy to make FOR-NEXT loops
>>START   LDX    #$FF
>>LOOP    LEAX  -1,X
>>                BNE    LOOP
>>                END
>>John Collyer
>I think what Neil might be describing rather is a macro 
>such as:
>The 1st line would expand into whatever labels and 
>instructions are needed to do something similar to the 
>6809 example above.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Neil Morrison" <neilsmorr at hotpop.com>
>>To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" 
>><coco at maltedmedia.com>
>>Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 4:51 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Coco] 6809 example
>> >
>> > There were some assembler books, mainly for the 8088, 
>>which showed
>> > you how to emulate FOR-NEXT loops, DO-WHILE etc in 
>>assembly language
>> > as macros.
>> >
>> > NM
>Roger Taylor
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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