[Coco] Mocha [was: Re: Any reason to put a 6309 in a Coco2?]

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Wed Jan 7 02:59:41 EST 2004

Hi Brad,
this is just a minor one: For some reason the little white arrow showing
the sorting direction in the "Description" column of the the "DISK" tab
is missing. Not important but as I know that you like things perfect...


PS: I just had another strange idea: I wonder if it is possible to save
the mocha settings in  a cookie. You could pass them to the applet as
parameters... To be honest, I never took care how this cookie stuff
worked, but if other sites (like ebay) can store their settings in my
cookies, why shoudn't the Mocha site as well... In my imagination this
wouldn't even need the signed applet, just some html programming.

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