[Coco] Me, too, also, ...

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Wed Feb 25 17:22:54 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arthur Flexser" <flexser at fiu.edu>

> Are you implying that Paypal gives out your credit card information
> sellers?

No, but many sellers have had payments reversed with little or no
recourse, and many buyers have had poor help in case of fraud.

> I'd assume they just send them a payment and that they keep your
> credit card information secure, so that you might just get stung on
> one item.  Credit cards of course offer the option of contesting
> charge with the credit card company, as checks or money orders do
> not.  Neil has said Paypal won't stand behind customers who receive
> something, but not what they ordered.  Neil, do you have
information about
> what happens when customers ask the credit card company to
intervene in
> such cases?

PayPal cancels your account and won't let you get a new one.


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