[Coco] JVC header

Nathan Woods npwoods at cybercom.net
Tue Feb 3 10:53:32 EST 2004

tim lindner wrote:

>People were asking for more functionality. Jeff suggested a way to add
>more functionality without breaking backward compatiability and we ran
>with it.
>Specifically we wanted double sided disk images, without having to
>resort to DMK disk images.
I have to say that I for one, quite like the idea of double sided 
images.  I have been studying the possibility of supporting a "disk 
flip" operation in MESS, which in conjunction with double sided disk 
images, makes supporting all of those games that came on double sided 
disks easier to use.

I might be alone here, but it seems somewhat unfortunate that John is 
actively updating Jeff's old emulator (and the associated tools) and is 
at the same time so opposed to supporting these features.

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