[Coco] Old ISA modems with jumpers...

Kevin Diggs kevdig at hypersurf.com
Mon Apr 19 15:14:02 EDT 2004


	I did not know that it mattered. I have successfully used PnP cards
in what I bet is a more ancient linux system (old ALR business VEISA
with a
386 card). This system does NOT have a PnP compliant BIOS. But I have
PnP sound cards under linux (2.4.23). As with most Linux stuff it aint
to set it up, though. Also have used a PnP IEEE 488 card.

	Now if Adaptec would get off their bxxxs and fix their Linux driver
for the 2742 (EISA SCSI) card I would be a happier camper!


Aaron Banerjee wrote:
>    Sorry for the off-topic post, but I don't suppose anyone has (or knows
> where I can get) an ISA modem (56k preferable), where you have some
> absolute method (e.g. jumpers) to set things like the comm port and irq.
> My gateway is an ancient linux box.  Doesn't do plug and pray very well.
>                  - Aaron
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