[Coco] [Coco OT] -- Is this a scam?

jimcox at miba51.com jimcox at miba51.com
Fri Apr 16 01:50:41 EDT 2004


To me this looks like a scam.  Here is the actual URL for 
USPS tracking:


I recently used this URL.  Also I set up USPS email 
notification for the package I was expecting and it didn't 
look anything like this.  One other thing, from what I can 
tell from the real USPS site, you have to sign up 
seperately for each package you are expecting and have a 
number for, the USPS does not sign you up automatically.

Just my $0.02 and I could have missed something.  You may 
want to forward it to the USPS fraud division.  Also, 
Isn't there a why to set you browser to show the actual 
URL on the bottom?  That would show you if you are being 
redirected to a bogus site.  Cheers!


PS:  I would add something 6X09 or CoCo related to make 
this some what on-topic, but can't think of anything.  

On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:51:34 EDT
  KnudsenMJ at aol.com wrote:
>I just got this email.  Never saw anything like this 
>before.  I'm not 
>expecting a package from anyone.  I'm wondering what 
>happens if someone logs on to 
>that URL.  I'm not looking for guinea pig volunteers, but 
>anyone have any ideas?
>Thanks, Mike K.
>----begin quoted message---
>This notification is being sent to you at the request of 
>the shipper.
>A package with the following Priority Mail label number 
>xxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxx
>is scheduled to be shipped to you on 04/15/2004.
>Please go to <A 
>HREF="http://trkcnfrm1.smi.usps.com">Track and 
>Confirm</A> at 
>www.usps.com and use the label number to check the 
>delivery status of your 
>Thank you,
>United States Postal Service&#174
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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