[Coco] [Color Computer] David Keil emulator

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Mon Apr 12 20:40:06 EDT 2004

jvferg wrote:
> New member.  I have tried to get the DK emulator to work but can't 
> seem to install any roms into the Multipack unit.  I think you have 
> to install a diskbasic rom there before you can use the virtual disk 
> drives.  Any suggestions?  Thanks, Jim

You will want images of Basic (BASIC.ROM), Extended Basic EXTBASIC.ROM), 
and Disk Basic (DSKBASIC.ROM) in the same directory that holds the 
emulator files.

Once the emulation is running, use F4/up_down arrows/ENTER to select the 
Disk ROM making sure that the ROM is in the same slot selected by the 
Slot Select Switch. F9 is used to select the disk image (.dsk).

Make sure that the ROM images are exact copies of the real ROMs. That 
means there is no two byte header indicating a memory load address as 
with the Vavasour/Collyer emulator.

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