[Coco] Downloading software from Larry Greenfield's site?

clifford redding clifford_redding2003 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 13 14:01:31 EST 2003

First off, I piggybacked 4 sets of 41256 memory chips leaving pin 15 free on the top three rows and soldered those to the Disto board. Solder a wire from pin 15  to each memory chip on that row. You will have 3 nicely connected rows of wire-wrap wire. Then on one of the collumns of memory, solder another wire to pin 15. About 2" length, so you end up with a wire connected to eack row of RAMS. With the cartridge connector facing you, you will see a 74s139 directly in the middle of the board. Immediately below that chip are 4 pads in a row. The left one is for the first row of rams (the ones directly soldered into the board. The second pad is for the fist row of piggybacked rams. The third pad is for the third row, etc. Then just modify the OS9 descriptor, and your set.
Good luck!

Bruce Calkins <bcalkins at disaster-relief.net> wrote:
> the Disto RamPak (oh, by the way, I upgraded it to 1 meg)
O.K., I'd like some information on that. I have 768k in mine. (And a few
"spare" 256k chips.)

> Does anyone have access to schematics for hard drive controllers?
No, but I do keep hoping.

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