[ From Butch Ross ] Workshop in Richmond, KY this weekend. New Book. Online news.

News, info and tourdates for Butch Ross butchross at butchross.com
Tue Mar 29 06:53:36 EDT 2016

Here's the big show this weekend.

Sunday, April 3. 2-4pm. $10 suggested donation.
*Workshop with the Richmond Dulcimer Club*
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
1081 Willis Branch Rd
Richmond, KY
you can contact me to RSVP but really, just show up.

This is 2-hour workshop, so I'll concentrate between left-hand techniques
and right-hand strumming patterns while teaching a couple of tunes. The
workshops will be all levels.

*Online Stuff*
First of all, thanks to all of you who came to the house or watched our St.
Patty's Day spectacular on concertwindow.com. Sorry about the technical
glitches, I thought we were having problems with our usually amazing
broadband provider. But Bing's "triple threat" concert had similar issues,
leaving me to wonder if it might not be on CW's end. Juries out right now,
but if it happens again we'll find a new way to do this.

If you are a member of dulcimercrossing.com I will be performing a
free online show on the 17th of April. You have to be a member of Dulcimer
Crossing to attend.


"Now I know what a dulcimer is supposed to sound like" —Jake Shimabukuro

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