[Coco] DS69 info?

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Mon Oct 30 11:54:22 EDT 2017

Le 2017-10-29 à 21:49:00, Michael Brant a écrit :

> the DS69A and the DS69B vary in that the DS69B will do color. Does any one
> know about a mod to allow the DS69A do color?

No, the DS69B I had never did colour, and never was ever advertised as such, 
otherwise it would have been a big thing. If ever colour was displayed, it is 
because of "artifacts" due to "high resolution" 256px width, which means those 
colours are in no way extracted from the picture being digitised, it's just a 
result of thin vertical lines and single pixels being damaged by some part of 
the video adaptor.

| Mathieu BOUCHARD --- tél: 514.623.3801, 514.383.3801 --- Montréal, QC

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