[Coco] The Hobbit ported to 6809 (Dragon64 and coCo2 64k) - ENDED!

Pere psergm at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 14:51:07 EDT 2016

this is the DEFINITIVE FINAL version for The Hobbit (v16f4)
Runs at double speed on any emulation of a CoCo3 too.
On real hardware with real floppies it is MANDATORY to use it at the normal
speed!  Only with CoCo-SDC and other modules like that you could try the
double speed:  LOADM"HDS":EXEC

To play at normal speed, just Enter: LOADM"H1":EXEC

>From my experience, I can confirm that it runs flawlessly at double speed
in  VCC and in my CoCo3 with the CoCo-SDC card.
But fails when saving/restoring saved games from actual floppies!
So, please don't use double speed with floppies, or do it at your risk!
The needed changes to take into account the double speed won't fit in the
small residual free space in the 64k area and in fact it doesn't make a
big difference compared to the normal speed. Art, you were soooo right!
By the way, I had to put back the POKE&HFFDE,0 so that SEB gets disabled.
Some of the 27 patches done at startup, when called they redirect the code
to data structures of the Hobbit, so sending the program to the lala land.

The program supports now these DRAGON Disk Operating Systems (DOS)
Dragon Data: DDOS10, DDOS11C, DDOS12A, DDOS13A
Eurohard: DDOS41
3S: DosPlus4.9B, DosPlus5.0
Grosvenor: SuperDOS E6, E7 and E8

I have tested the game with these COCO Disk Operating Systems (DOS)
RS-DOS1.1, RS-DOS1.2, RS-DOS1.2A and VCC for CoCo3 (NO RS-DOS1.0, sorry)

You can find info about the project and download the VDK on these threads
Note: The web is in spanish language.

You could find info and download the two DSK in these threads at

pere serrat 

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