[Coco] The ultimate VCC hard disk image using EmuDsk

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Mon Nov 23 19:56:41 EST 2015

Barry Nelson wrote:
> Well, I have a working version of my hard disk file for the CoCo SDC, except for ONE program. The copy of Cave Walker of the hard disk image for the CoCo SDC does not work. Everything else (that I have tried at least) does work. Shall I post it as is? I am no closer to getting Cave Walker working than I was a week ago, and I do not know when or if I will solve this. Thoughts? I have a separate disk image using the old Microware OS-9 level II that works on the CoCo SDC but I can not get it working on NitrOS9. The image also requires a customized version of HDBDOS for the CoCo SDC, so I think I will concentrate on making a user friendly program to install that to a flash bank and touch up my BASIC program that allow you to change the mounted CoCo SDC disks from basic. Feed back is welcome.


I can get Cavewalker to run with MESS using Coco2b emulation. You must set 
memory to 64K and that should do the trick.

It may be possible to get the game to run on other systems such as Drivewire, 
but a new boot file would need to be created containing the required drivers.

The game is a Level I vr 2.00.00 which means it ought to work with a Coco3 if 
you boot from a game disk. You won't be able to play the game after booting into 
NitrOS-9 Level II.
What I have tried is to use a Coco3, boot a NitrOS-9 Level I Drivewire disk 
mounted in Drivewire, and then change the disk to the Cavewalker disk. (You need 
to use chd /dd and chx /dd/cmds.)
Entering 'cave' will start the game but it will not run. That is probably 
because the game hard codes /D0 which won't work. I'm going to look through the 
game files to see if /D0 entries can be changed to /DD. If so, the game should 
run from a Coco3 via Drivewire.


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