[Coco] RGB2VGA Converter and Wordpak2+ PCB Update

Kip Koon computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Thu Mar 26 20:24:34 EDT 2015

Hi Guys,

I'm sending this to the general Coco List address as I seem to be missing a
few email addresses.  I apologize for not having seen and responded to
emails lately as I have been sick for at least the past week or so.  I have
had a few difficulties with the PCBs, but I think I have solved all the
issues.  I hope to finish up building the PCBs sometime next week.  I will
be making an announcement in the next several days or so hopefully.  This is
a lot more involved than I expected.  Please forgive me for the lateness of
this message and taking so long to build these PCBs.  I appreciate your
patience in this matter.  Thank you all for asking about the status of your
PCBs.  Take care my friends.



Kip Koon

 <mailto:computerdoc at sc.rr.com> computerdoc at sc.rr.com




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