[Coco] Anyone using CMP ?

Richard Goedeken Richard at fascinationsoftware.com
Thu Dec 31 20:46:49 EST 2015


Here is a table which gives 8-bit RGB color values in hex for each color from
the RGB and CMP outputs on the Coco 3.

The last 2 columns are for closest conversion between the two different
outputs.  For example, if you want to find the closest matching CMP color for
RGB color 19 (00:ff:55), look at the RGB-Match column for Index 19, and you
will see that the closest composite color is #33, which is RGB 67:fb:79 in the
composite output.


Index   RGB       Composite | RGB-Match  Comp-Match
   00   00:00:00  00:00:00  |        00          00
   01   00:00:55  00:6c:00  |        10          02
   02   00:55:00  00:6e:00  |        15          02
   03   00:55:55  17:60:00  |        14          02
   04   55:00:00  3c:45:00  |        08          06
   05   55:00:55  5a:21:00  |        09          04
   06   55:55:00  6c:00:00  |        04          04
   07   55:55:55  6e:00:00  |        32          04
   08   00:00:aa  60:00:1d  |        27          04
   09   00:00:ff  45:00:42  |        43          05
   10   00:55:aa  21:00:5f  |        28          01
   11   00:55:ff  00:00:6e  |        43          01
   12   55:00:aa  00:00:6d  |        26          01
   13   55:00:ff  00:1d:5c  |        43          01
   14   55:55:aa  00:42:3f  |        28          03
   15   55:55:ff  00:5f:1a  |        43          02
   16   00:aa:00  2f:2f:2f  |        18          07
   17   00:aa:55  1b:b4:3a  |        31          16
   18   00:ff:00  3d:b3:19  |        33          16
   19   00:ff:55  63:a2:04  |        33          20
   20   55:aa:00  88:85:00  |        19          49
   21   55:aa:55  a5:60:08  |        31          34
   22   55:ff:00  b4:3a:21  |        34          32
   23   55:ff:55  b3:19:43  |        33          33
   24   00:aa:aa  a2:04:6a  |        30          33
   25   00:aa:ff  85:00:8e  |        44          40
   26   00:ff:aa  60:08:a8  |        47          12
   27   00:ff:ff  3a:21:b5  |        62          12
   28   55:aa:aa  19:43:b1  |        30          10
   29   55:aa:ff  04:6a:9e  |        44          10
   30   55:ff:aa  00:8e:7f  |        47          28
   31   55:ff:ff  08:a8:59  |        62          17
   32   aa:00:00  78:78:78  |        22          07
   33   aa:00:55  67:fb:79  |        23          23
   34   aa:55:00  89:f7:5a  |        21          51
   35   aa:55:55  b0:e4:47  |        06          51
   36   ff:00:00  d4:c5:44  |        23          48
   37   ff:00:55  ee:9f:51  |        23          53
   38   ff:55:00  fb:79:6c  |        38          39
   39   ff:55:55  f7:5a:90  |        38          46
   40   aa:00:aa  e4:47:b6  |        41          46
   41   aa:00:ff  c5:44:d9  |        42          40
   42   aa:55:aa  9f:51:f1  |        25          43
   43   aa:55:ff  79:6c:fb  |        42          15
   44   ff:00:aa  5a:90:f5  |        40          29
   45   ff:00:ff  47:b6:e0  |        41          24
   46   ff:55:aa  44:d9:bf  |        39          31
   47   ff:55:ff  51:f1:98  |        41          30
   48   aa:aa:00  ff:ff:ff  |        36          63
   49   aa:aa:55  b2:ff:b9  |        20          58
   50   aa:ff:00  d6:ff:9c  |        34          58
   51   aa:ff:55  fc:ff:8c  |        34          62
   52   ff:aa:00  ff:ff:8b  |        37          62
   53   ff:aa:55  ff:de:9b  |        37          62
   54   ff:ff:00  ff:b9:b8  |        52          60
   55   ff:ff:55  ff:9c:dc  |        52          61
   56   aa:aa:aa  ff:8c:ff  |        32          61
   57   aa:aa:ff  ff:8b:ff  |        59          61
   58   aa:ff:aa  de:9b:ff  |        49          61
   59   aa:ff:ff  b9:b8:ff  |        61          57
   60   ff:aa:aa  9c:dc:ff  |        54          59
   61   ff:aa:ff  8c:ff:ff  |        58          59
   62   ff:ff:aa  8b:ff:fe  |        51          59
   63   ff:ff:ff  ff:ff:ff  |        48          63

On 12/31/2015 12:50 PM, Nick Marentes wrote:
> Do many people who use an NTSC CoCo3 use a CMP monitor?
> I'm getting an awful image with innacurate colors in a program I'm creating
> when I do. I normally use my PAL CoCo3 on an RGB monitor and the picture is
> excellent but testing some software on my NTSC CoCo3 and using the conversion
> codes from RGB to CMP, the color accuracy is shocking (I've adjusted the
> monitor tint).
> The CMP palette and RGB palettes are the same on a PAL CoCo3 but NTSC is like
> looking at it when one is truly stoned!
> Is there an accurate RGB to CMP conversion chart anywhere?
> I'm seriously thinking or abandoning the NTSC CMP color support if most people
> are using an RGB colorset .
> Nick

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