[Coco] format problems in an mb script

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Oct 21 23:16:07 EDT 2014

Greetings everybody;

How does one go about tell format to quit yelling because its a hard disk 
when commanding it to format /sh?  /sh being one of the 254 floppy images 
in hdbdos.

The mb script says:
echo * Step 1: Format disk in %1
format %1 "NitrOS9v329sd2.1 lvl 3 Boot" R

where %1 has been assigned to /sh.  From the help format the R option is 
supposed to tell it to go ahead, but it still says its a hard disk.

I can do it by hand, by tapping y, but in the script it bails.

Do I put a couple y's on the end of the commend in the form of " <y"(more 
y's if needed) or what?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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