[Coco] 2011 CoCoFest Return

Mark Marlette mmarlette at frontiernet.net
Mon May 23 07:41:45 EDT 2011

Another GREAT year, new faces to names! GREAT to see the old and the new. Hard to believe that time flies so fast, so many years pass. Fest is always a blur.

Happy Birthday George S. that was VERY nice Glenside!

Some turbulent weather on the drive home last night. After about half way back Sandy got a call from her boss. Work as normal, but some parts of the plant was hit by the Minneapolis tornado. So instead of going to the cabin we returned to Mpls. Her car was in the parking lot. Part of the roof of one of the buildings was laying ~75 yds from here car. Big chuck of twisted metal. Her car was ok and you could see damage to the building.

Tired, a sign of a GREAT weekend.

Glenside announced yesterday that there will be another fest. I think I'll add another day or two on to next years as it is such a blur. Already looking forward to it. A lot of cool projects were shown off! GREAT JOB by all.

Thank you all for the support!

Happy CoCoing,


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