[Coco] [Bulk] Reading Osk disks

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Sep 8 09:36:46 EDT 2007

On Saturday 08 September 2007, Paul Fitch wrote:
>> If your AT306 works, and your utility on the PC to read CoCo
>> OS-9 disks can't be massaged to comprehend the AT306' format,
>> you should be able to use DMODE on the '306 to format a CoCo
>> compatible floppy, and then read that on the PC.  Also, I
>> have a FAT file manager on the MM/1 (I don't remember whether
>> it's called MSH or PCF) that allows OS-9 to read/write DOS
>> FAT disks.  If you have that file manager, you could copy
>> your OS-9 goodness onto a PC disk straight on the '306.  If
>> you do that, I would recommend archiving the files first --
>> both to save space and to avoid munging the file names with
>> 8.3 evil.  Just make sure you use an archive util that you
>> can uncompress on the PC.  lha or gzip are likely candidates.
>The PC file manager would be useful.  I'll get the AT306 running today, but
>I can't leave it up for long without a case.  If I turn my back on it, I'm
>sure I'll discover that one of my roommates (feline type) will have
>stretched out on the board.  The least nasty outcome of that would be a
>slightly singed cat<g>.  All the other alternatives are worse<g>.
Sounds like somebody else needs to be reminded that Dogs have Masters, Cats 
have Staff. :)  Also, a dog would learn that its hot, I'm not sure if the 
average cat would learn that, at least not the first time.

Does the cpu in that AT306 need a heat sink and a fan?  That might discourage 
the felines.

Cheers, Gene
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