[Papyrus-L] Bibtex anyone?

Dave Goldman dave at ResearchSoftwareDesign.com
Mon Jan 14 03:20:04 EST 2008

>What I really want is to transfer my Papyrus data into a format

>that will be processed by a Linux/*nix utility eg Kbibtex.

The Macintosh version of Papyrus includes import and export formats for BibTeX.

For the DOS version of Papyrus, we provided a BibTeX import format,
for transferring references from BibTeX to Papyrus. That import
format is still available on our website, at

For transferring from Papyrus to BibTeX, you'll need to create an
appropriate Papyrus export format. You might use our BibTeX import
format as a starting point, but bear in mind that an output format
will be much simpler than the import format, as it won't need to
worry about multiple places that various bits of information may or
may not show up.

Since you'll be creating your own output format, you can include
whichever Papyrus fields you desire (including Comments and
Abstract), with whatever tags you like. But as Denis Brown has
pointed out, Papyrus notecards don't have an equivalent in most other
bibliographic databases.

Dave Goldman (dave at ResearchSoftwareDesign.com)

Research Software Design The PAPYRUS Bibliography System
617 SW Hume Street
Portland OR 97219-4458 (U.S.A.)

Technical Support: support at ResearchSoftwareDesign.com
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