[Papyrus-L] Migration from Papyrus

KATHYMFLAN at aol.com KATHYMFLAN at aol.com
Sun Jul 8 17:28:32 EDT 2007

Possible solution for some: Citation may meet the needs of writers in the
humanities who have been using Papyrus primarily for 1) organizing research
notes/quotes and 2) formatting footnotes and bibliographies in articles or
books created as Word documents.

I was a very happy user of the "notecard" function of Papyrus but fearful of
embarking on a new book using this software without full technical support.
I was disappointed to discover that the other bibliographic options
referenced in these postings do not seem to have the feature I want most: the
ability to enter numerous, distinct notes for each reference, which can be accessed
independently by key word or content searches as well as linked to their

Citation appears to have this handy notecard feature. It also creates
citations, footnotes and bibliographies in proper formats in Word documents. I
don't know if it will work for those of you with massive libraries who are
conducting bibliographic searches on the Internet, but for basic author support,
Citation seems like a good alternative.

If anyone has any other feedback regarding Citation or other software that
includes this versatile notecard feature, please respond to the list. Thanks.

Kathleen Flanagan
Leadership Communication Inc.

Helping leaders and leadership teams to achieve better, faster, more enduri
ng results

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