[Papyrus-L] Endnote and Papyrus

Joseph Cain cain at quartz.gly.fsu.edu
Fri Nov 30 10:20:52 EST 2001

I downloaded the demo version of Endnote to see how hard it would be to 
convert from Papyrus and do not understand how to use it if your format for 
publication is latex. Does anyone use Endnote for such publications? It 
would seem that it only is set up for Microsoft  Word, and to a lesser 
extent for Word Perfect. We use Word Perfect for some things, 
and  Microsoft word only when we have to, but most publications are now 
electronic and latex is the preferred typesetter.
Incidentally, the demo install only goes to about 90% and then dies, but I 
can sort of get it to execute anyway.

Has anyone looked at the prices? I would much prefer putting this kind of 
money into Papyrus!

Joseph Cain                     cain at quartz.gly.fsu.edu
(850) 644-4014 (office)         FAX (850) 644-4214
(850) 385-0227 (residence)      http://geomag.gfdi.fsu.edu/~cain

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