[Papyrus-L] Re: Pap vs. others and where's Dave?

Klaus Beckmann beckes at mac.com
Mon Oct 22 15:31:41 EDT 2001

On Montag, Oktober 22, 2001, at 03:23  Uhr, Jan Herrmann wrote:

> I am also still trying to promote the brillant Mac version of Papyrus, 
> but a definite statement that there won't be a MacOS X version at 
> anytime can keep potential buyers away.

Quite so. A particular problem is that at the moment one does not seem 
to be able to copy citations (placeholders etc.) from Papyrus into a 
Carbon or Cocoa application. At least I cannot. From what I've read on 
this list, this appears to be exactly analogous to the situation under 

I love linking of references, notecards and the clever across-the-board 
changes to keywords -- all features that no other reference manager has, 
at least on the Mac side. I also love Papyrus for not being as 
Word-centric as Endnote and the rest of the ISI bunch.

Luckily, I am not pressed to change as there are no OS X-native 
bibliography managers at all. I certainly won't switch from a Classic 
application to another Classic application, and so -- for the time 
being -- I'll get by typing placeholders into my documents.

Cheers (and thanks for a great programme),

Klaus Beckmann

Dr. Klaus Beckmann
Tel. [49] (851) 509 2523  |  Fax [49] (851) 509 2522
http://www.kbeckmann.de/ (personal info)
http://www.public-economics.com/ (work)

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