[Papyrus-L] Papyrus and W2K

Raisa Deber raisa.deber at utoronto.ca
Sat Apr 7 17:03:28 EDT 2001

At 08:13 AM 4/7/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>We have been using Papyrus on windows 2000 and not that the manic cursor
>behavior seems to disappear when you go to full screen mode.

Just to echo that Papyrus will run perfectly well with Windows 2000.  On my 
system, there were some momentary issues which proved to be problems with 
the MS DOS subsystem rather than with Papyrus; even those (which are now 
fixed) didn't stop Papyrus from running as long as you clicked "ignore" 
rather than "cancel."

As Dave has documented, you'll also have to activate the use file as 
Clipboard feature under options, since NT doesn't use the Windows clipboard 
in the same way as earlier versions.  To finally follow up on my promise of 
indicating how to write a simple macro to insert the papyrus file into your 
word processor -
Tell Papyrus (under Preferences, OS2/NT clipboard) that yes, you want to 
use a file for the clipboard, and then tell it the name of the file which 
will be used as a quasi-clipboard for the particular files you're citing 
(much like PAP_RES used to be, for you old timers, or as the clipboard is, 
for those using other Windows versions).  Although Papyrus  may suggest it, 
I would not use a name like "clip.txt" since other programs are likely to 
use similar names and foul things up (I would on occasion get weird images 
instead of my pap citations, leaving me to imply that one of the image 
editors being used by Word or WordPerfect was also laying claim to the 
name).  I instead called my file cited.txt, which no other program seems to 
want, and so is working very well.  I told Papyrus to place this file in 
the Papyrus root directory, although you can place it where ever you'd 
like, although preferably not in a path with a long file name.
I then went into WordPerfect and created a macro by going to "tools", then 
to "macro" and then to "record", going to "insert", then "file" then giving 
the file name (in my case, c:\pap\cited.txt) and then telling the macro to 
stop recording.  I then put a shortcut on my toolbar  (settings, customize) 
which lets me pull in the pap references with a single click.

(BTW, if you go to edit the macro, it reads as follows:
Application (WordPerfect; "WordPerfect"; Default!; "EN")
FileInsert (Filename: "C:\PAP\CITED.TXT"; AutoDetect: No!)
You do NOT need to enter this sort of program in; the macro feature does it 
for you.

I've just verified that the process is similar in Word, and also works 
smoothly, although I still haven't figured out how to get an image on the 
toolbar rather than a long-winded name.  Since I try to avoid using Word as 
much as possible, this isn't an issue for me.

Hope this helps.  There may be many reasons for and against moving to 
Windows 2000, but the ability to run Papyrus isn't really one of them.

Raisa Deber.

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