[Coco] 19 years is enough? Or not?

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Thu Jan 30 20:41:35 EST 2025

> On Jan 30, 2025, at 1:10 AM, Richard E. Crislip via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
> Your Amiga bit the dust a few years back. I run primarily Linux and
> Raspberry Pi's. The Pi's are running Linux or some form of it. I do
> look at AmiKit to keep my hand in Amiga, but it runs on MicroSlof 8-/.

I don’t get to use my Pi 400 as much as I’d like, but it sure is the “funnest” modern computer I have. It feels like the old days, thought he OS is completely non-old (except when the emulators are running).

I look forward to upgrading to a Pi 500 once they become more available.

I would take my Pi 400 with me (and a portable monitor, kinda like a tablet) on work trips to Chicago-area. At night in the hotel I’d fire up the XRoar emulator and sit at the desk doing CoCo BASIC stuff. Great times.

I have such little room on my tiny standing desk (no room for a chair) that the only thing I have on it is my laptop, backup hard drive, and a Pi 400. It’s not quite a CoCo, but under the right light, with that green screen emulator running, it will have to do.
Allen Huffman - PO Box 7634 - Urbandale IA 50323 - 515-999-0227 (vmail/TXT only)
http://www.subethasoftware.com - https://www.facebook.com/subethasoftware

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