[Coco] Just bought me a CoCo 3...

Kevin Havens W9JYD w9jyd.ham at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 13:06:15 EST 2023

Hey y'all. I have pulled the trigger and bought myself a "tested, working"
Tandy CoCo 3 (128K) with an "untested" FD-502 controller and Drive 0
(description said that the seller had no 5¼ floppies to test it out
[neither do I] so it was as is). It also appears to come with a Wico
Command and Control Atari 2600 joystick to CoCo adapter. (And according to
some googling, Sega Genesis controllers will work I believe. Correct me if
I'm wrong, please.)

I bought it from eBay. I know if I read this mailing list more often, I
would've realized someone here is also selling CoCo swag but I probably
missed out on it... Oh well.

But I also bought a CoCo SDC from retrorewind.ca (I didn't get the SD card
with it, I've got plenty lying around) and some disk images from the CoCo
Archive for when I was playing around with emulators.

I've had the CoCo 1 (26-3002 16k ECB) and CoCo 2 (26-3127B Korean 64k ECB
with updated VDG and SAM) but never had a "bare metal" CoCo 3 unless it was
through emulators mostly.

However, I do have a question. I have heard about CoCo 3 RGB to HDMI
adapters out there. Can someone point me in the right direction to find
them? I have a composite video to HDMI upconverter I found at a flea market
but I don't think it would handle the high resolution that originally
required a CM-8 or comparable analog RGB monitor...

It's high time I got back into the CoCo. I always have wanted a CoCo 3... I
finally got my own now.

Thanks and very 73,
Kevin Havens W9JYD

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