[Coco] Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday March 2, 2022 @ 7:30PM Central

Jim Brain (2022-23 GCCC President) president at glensideccc.com
Tue Feb 28 21:50:19 EST 2023

Less than 2 months until FEST! I hope everyone is well into getting 
their projects and presentations ready and making plans to arrive on 
site April 22, 2023.

As we near the fest, meetings tend to focus on it, but feel free to join 
with any club questions or comments.

      NOTE: We’ve updated the Zoom link, so make sure you’re using the
      one listed here.

Please join us this Thursday. We will open the call early at 6:30PM.**

Meeting Agenda: 

        To join the Meeting


Meeting ID: 827 9736 7585
Passcode: GCCC

        One tap mobile

+13126266799,,82797367585#,,,,*686821# (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 827 9736 7585
Passcode: 686821
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdIAqFZbZR

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your 
calendar system.

For those unable to join us on Zoom or have prior commitments, we will 
livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page 
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/290791956162) and our YouTube channel 

Jim Brain, 2021-22 President
Glenside Color Computer Club (GCCC)
president at glensideccc.com

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