[Coco] The Coco Nation News stories for Episode 344, December 30, 2023

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Sun Dec 31 11:20:13 EST 2023

I am continually blown away by how much CoCo news there is each week. I used to join the show, and would have something I could share if there was time, but even back then, there was always so much stuff going on there was no need for extra filler. Just wild. Great times.

Thank you for sharing these summaries. I haven’t had the 3 hours (assuming TCN is still running that length?) to devote to watching the show in quite some time.

I would have liked to join for the Steve Bjork discussion since I have spent so much time hanging out with him over the years, but I’m still reeling over the news. It has prompted me to poke around at some CoCo stuff, mostly looking for things I wanted to share in case something happened to me or my collection.

Happy new years, everyone.

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