[Coco] Installing LWTOOLS on Windows

jrosslist at outlook.com jrosslist at outlook.com
Fri Jun 17 23:21:06 EDT 2022

Allen Huffman: wrote:
> https://subethasoftware.com/2022/06/16/installing-lwtools-on-windows-using-cygwin/

> At the time, I did not think the prebuilt windows binaries were up to date,
> Else I would’ve just done that and been done with it :-) at least I learned something!

Oh wow!! That's news to me too. Cool!

I will add however if a person wants to run CMOC (I'm pretty sure) they still must compile it themselves as well as run it under a Unix environment.  I know that Cygwin works, not sure if mingw does -- it used to not work under mingw.   And LWTOOLS is also a prerequisite, so what you have done are the first steps to installing CMOC.


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