[Coco] DriveWire4

Christof M Bradford christof.bradford at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 23:53:30 EST 2022

On 1/20/22 8:48 PM, Neil Cherry wrote:
> On 1/20/22 23:27, Christof M Bradford wrote:
>> On 1/20/22 8:16 PM, Rocky Hill via Coco wrote:
>>>   Hi Cristof
>>> I guess my youtube video link got scrubbed out. Here it is again with 
>>> spaces. Hopefully it get's through
>>> h t t p s:// you tu . be / Izxe15J8xQE
>>> "https://youtu.be/Izxe15J8xQE"
>>>      On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 11:01:21 PM EST, Rocky Hill via 
>>> Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
>>>    Hi Christof
>>> I was able to install Slackware in virtualbox and I was able to at 
>>> least start DriveWire.  Here is a link to a video I made doing 
>>> it.  Installing Open JDK 8 on slackware and running Drive Wire
>> Can you give me a link to the version of DriveWire you downloaded? The 
>> directory structure I saw in your video does NOT match the archive I 
>> downloaded in the slightest.
> You might be running into the issue that the rxtx is 32 bit and while 
> the Java is 64 bit.
> I *think* you might be able to run the 32bit Java on the x86_64 CPU.
I have the 64 bit libraries. I'm just going to give up on the Java 
version, and get the Python one working the way I want it to.

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